Monday, October 23, 2006

A long day of modeling....

Today, I was hired for a session of modeling. It always drains me when the photography staff on hand doesn't provide me with back to back cappuccinos. Above are some shots I did at random while Shmee was shooting her set.

Over the weekend I read a design article in which the author was explaining how its benificial to talk to others that are in different fields of work. The author was talking to his friend ( A Flash Programmer) about the flight of birds. The programmer explained how the bird's wings move and how they appear as they move farther and farther away. I could go into more detail but the main point of the article was to get others perception on things. In the field of design I think it will be benificial to look at the world through other peoples eyes. Not only to look through others eyes but to describe how to look through your eyes. An example of this would be when you are trying to sell an idea to a client, it would be to your advantage to help them to see what your seeing.

Link of the Day:
Thinking with Typography


Maddux said...

Yep. I know. Today, as I was walking through the aisles of Walsmart...I asked The Sis..what her take on Ta'er Chips were. She said that seeing so many bags of chips on an aisle...and the kind of chips that she wants to take's all in the well she can find it...It was good hearing her opinion on how I should package the Ta'er Chips.

Shvic said...

yep, its hard for the assistant to fetch cappichinos, when shes jealously sulking in the corner, ahem, or front row in class...ahem

Anonymous said...

@ shvic...and glaring at MY PEOPLE!

so stude (stood) what are you saying? we're narrow minded? gosh! kidding

Yeah I try to do that but you's gotta be my way haha