Saturday, October 07, 2006


To start things off, my power supply has died in my desktop. Its a rosewill 450 watt power supply that is only 8 months old. I'm thinking about going with an Antec smartpower 500 watt for my next round. So this is why I'm blogging in bed with my laptop. Makes me mad that I'm on fall break and no desktop. I guess all project work will have to be done on my trusty Mac with my trusty sidekick Mac the English Bulldog.

Tomorrow Renae and I are going to Greensboro for the Design event. D. also told me at work about a Design conference Thursday in Greensboro. If I can get off of work were going to make a trip down there to check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have been without power supply before...thankfully you have a backup....and more importantly, you have a sidekick. What would any project be if you do not have a sidekick to ...well...pant, wrestle and drool all over you...beg for your food...steal it right out of your mouth when you aren't paying attention....